JRebel for Eclipse version 2025.1.3-SNAPSHOT
This URL contains the Eclipse update site of JRebel for Eclipse (version 2025.1.3-SNAPSHOT).
JRebel for Eclipse supports Eclipse 4.8 or newer. The latest released version of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is recommended.
Marketplace Install (latest release only)
To install the latest release version of JRebel via the Eclipse Marketplace Client, drag the button below into your Eclipse
Alternative Install (this version: 2025.1.3-SNAPSHOT)
Alternatively, open Eclipse, go to Help > Install New Software, and paste this URL into the dialog box. Follow the on-screen instructions from there.
NB! It is recommended to uncheck the "Contact all update sites" box for faster installs.
(If you cannot use the online update site, a downloadable zipped update site is available: update-site.zip)